CORINTHIANS 13:6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. NIV

From the moment you close your Bible in the morning, nearly everything else you’ll encounter throughout the day will try luring you away from the God’s truth.The opinions of your coworkers, the news, your typical web sites, the various temptations of the day, all will be working overtime to shape your perceptions of what’s true and most desirable in your life.

You’ll even hear people say that church is not important in a person’s life. I’ve even heard people say that we must find God in our own way. (REALLY??!! )

They’ll say a lot of things. If we are not careful, we may start believing that what they say is correct and true.

But the meaning of real life changes dramatically when we understand that GOD’S WORD is the ultimate expression of what real life is. The Bible’s teachings are not just good guesses at what should matter, they are the PRINCIPLES that reflect the way things really are, the way GOD created life to be.

His ideas and instructions are the ONLY pathway to real blessing, and when we follow them in obedience to the Lord, we should rejoice. Love rejoices most in the things that please GOD. Everyone have a blessed day and may you seek God’s truth and love.