PSALM 91:3-4 For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection. NLT

Life confronts and taunts us with many challenges. The evening news tells us everything that is wrong in this world and in our communities and all of the things we should dread occurring in the immediate future. We are constantly alerted to potential threats and advised of safety precautions to take for our protection.

From God’s Word we find assurance that we are safe from our enemies. The Scripture tells us “surely, HE WILL”. There is no “he might”, “he may” or “perhaps”…”HE WILL”. It is HIS faithfulness which gives us the strength to forge ahead. The armor of God has no protection for our rear. Be encouraged today that GOD HAS YOUR BACK!

People in need of being rescued or protected have to first want help, then they must be willing to cooperate, otherwise the rescue or protection efforts won’t be successful. God delivers us from this world’s traps and provides cover when we seek Him. He is faithful, and will never let us down.
Would you characterize yourself as running towards God’s shelter or do you shy away from His protection, which only comes from abiding?

Have a blessed day and may the Lord’s protection and peace be with you.